Welcome to Christ Church, Eccleston

Welcome! We hope you find the information you need, if not get in touch

We’d love to meet you for real, do join us on Sunday at 10 am for worship or at our other activities.

Welcome to Christ Church, Eccleston

Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together... let us encourage one another.

Christ Church is part of the Diocese of Liverpool in the Church of England and exists to serve the community of Eccleston. We are excited to be part of the first cohort in Liverpool Diocese to participate in the Fit for Mission process to become one single larger parish called Church St Helens with the majority of other Anglican churches in St Helens.

We hope to encounter all those we meet with the love of Jesus Christ, and we pray that this website will help us to provide you with an introduction to our community, activities and will answer any questions you may have.

Do you have questions about life, faith or the church? Or perhaps you’re just curious? Perhaps some of this content and links may help you but please do get in touch if a chat might help.

Looking for our service times, or maybe you’re new to the area and looking for a church? Find out about our regular gatherings and service times.

See the faces and learn a little of who does what at Christ Church.

Our lovely new building is open. 23rd Eccleston Scouts are meeting on Tuesday Evenings, Friday morning Toddler Time and host regular shared Sunday lunches.

Is there something you’d like to be able to take part in, belong to or even run?

We consider it a great privilege to be able to accompany families through times of sorrow and times of joy. Our beautiful building has welcomed generations of families for baptisms, weddings and funerals since it was built in 1838. We would love to welcome you too so we can fulfil our vision to hold you with God for life.

We take our responsibility to protect all seriously. You can learn more about our policy and who to speak to if there is a problem here, here.

Part of something bigger.

In our diocese of Liverpool, we talk about our long obedience to the same direction and we are asking God for a bigger church to make a bigger difference with more people knowing Jesus and more justice in the world.

Christ Church is delighted to belong to

Church Magazine

Read our latest magazine here

We rely on generous giving to enable the mission and ministry of the parish and beyond

By giving to the work of Christ Church Eccleston, we can continue to serve our community – helping those in need and walking with people on their journey of faith.

Click the button below to see the various ways of giving to us.

Get In Touch

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Christ Church Eccleston takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England’s robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding.

If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues on a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information at liverpoolcofe.org/safeguarding-matters/